Building an Early Inferential Approach into the Calendar

Building an Early Inferential Approach into the Calendar

I have had a few questions about how I am managing to work all of these early inferential projects into my Intro Stats course.

1) Switching from Chapter Exams to a Midterm and a Final

In the first 7 chapters of our textbook I used to give 4 exams. That means that I would use 4 days for exams and approximately 6 days for review. I have 4 days built into my calendar for review (2 days) and the midterm exam (2 days). That is a net gain of 6 days in the first half of the course.

I have 8 project days scheduled in the first half of the course so that only puts me two days behind, but I have been able to avoid spending more than one day on any section so there are unofficial gains there.

I have checked in with two colleagues and I am one day behind one of them and even with the other.

In the second half of the course I will apply the days saved from chapter tests to cover alternatives to the traditional hypothesis tests, including simulations and non-parametric tests.

2) I Will Not Have To Introduce Hypothesis Testing in the Second Half of the Course

I typically spend 4 days to cover the first hypothesis test (the 1-proportion test), but I should be able to jump right in and cover that test in one day.

My Calendar for Weeks 1-5

Here is the schedule I have followed to this point. I have put the project days in bold.

Date Topic
15-Aug Day 1 Syllabus etc.
16-Aug 1.1 Intro to Stats
17-Aug 1.2 Observational Studies, Experiments
18-Aug 1.3/1.4 Sampling Techniques
22-Aug 1.6 Experimental Design
23-Aug 2.1 Qualitative Graphs
24-Aug Project 1: Simulation for 1-Proportion
25-Aug Project 2: Randomization Test for 2-Proportions
29-Aug 2.2 Quantitative Graphs
30-Aug 3.1 Measures of Center
31-Aug Project 3: Bootstrap Method for Estimating a Mean or Median
1-Sep Project 4: Using Simulation for a Population Mean
5-Sep holiday
6-Sep Project 5: Using Bootstrap Method for a Paired Difference Test
7-Sep 3.2 Measures of Dispersion
8-Sep 3.4 Quartiles
12-Sep 3.5 5-Number Summary and Boxplots
13-Sep Project 6: Randomization Test for Two Means
14-Sep 4.1 Correlation
15-Sep Project 7: Hypothesis Test for Correlation


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