Reusing Flip Materials In Online Class

Reusing Flip Materials In Online Class

Last Spring I flipped my elementary algebra class. For each section I used a cycle of three assignments in MyMathLab to make it all work.

  1. FLIP Assignment
    This was a media assignment that incorporated concept videos, example videos, and homework exercises.
    Students completed these assignments before class.
  2. Reflect Quiz
    This was a 5-question quiz, focused on the problem types I felt were the most important in that section.
    The first attempt loaded a personalized homework, and students could take the quiz as many times as they would like.
    Only the highest score counted.
    Students completed the quiz after the material was covered is class.
  3. Personalized Homework
    This assignment began as a 15-question homework assignment, with 3 problems for each objective covered in the Reflect Quiz.
    For each objective mastered in the first attempt of the Reflect Quiz, students received instant credit for the three related problems in the personalized homework.
    Students then worked over only the problems they struggled with on the quiz.
    This assignment was also done after the material was covered in class.

This semester I am teaching Elementary Algebra online, and I have recycled these assignments for my online class. The FLIP assignment has many of the features of a traditional classroom – the concept videos are similar to what would be delivered in a lecture, the example videos are similar to examples an instructor would do in class, and the homework exercises are similar to problems an instructor would have students try on their own. The videos are quite short, which I know learners prefer. Students can work through one objective at a time, or they can finish an entire section in one sitting.

My students are telling me that they love the format, and their written homework (submitted to the document sharing folder or by photo) looks like they are doing well. I’m looking forward to the midterm to see how they do compared to previous online sections I have taught.

I’d be happy to share my Course ID if you’d like to take a look at the assignments. Reach out to me by leaving a comment, through Twitter, or through the contact page on my website –

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