Where Have I Been???

Where Have I Been???

Hi! Remember me??? I traded in some of my overload units to take the spring semester off, and it ended up being a very busy time. I was wrapping up the videos and supplements for my newest textbook (a STEM focused intermediate algebra text) and the second edition of Interactive Statistics (which I work with Michael Sullivan on). Last week I started teaching a summer Intro Stats class, and I have begun to turn my attention to preparing for next semester.

The biggest issue we are facing in California is the implementation of AB 705, which will most likely require direct placement into transfer-level math and English classes. (Most likely, because we are still waiting on the implementation guidelines from the state.) This will definitely bring about many changes. Although the road forward will be challenging, I am hopeful that it will lead to success.

Some major issues:

  • Developing co-requisite courses that will teach students prerequisite skills on a just-in-time basis
  • Helping instructors who do not have experience teaching statistics to teach intro stats
  • Helping students to develop their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for success in their transfer-level class

I’m looking forward to the challenge! I plan to be really active on my blog – documenting our progress and stating my case.

(I am also working on a redesign of my web site georgewoodbury.com)


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