Using Interactive Statistics to Teach Remotely

Using Interactive Statistics to Teach Remotely

Teaching Intro Stats remotely can be challenging for both instructors and students, especially when you have to switch to remote instruction in the middle of the term with little to no advance warning. Michael Sullivan and I have a suggested solution that will help you and your students thrive in this challenging environment. Pearson is now offering free student access codes to MyLab for the remainder of the term for our online interactive textbook – Interactive Statistics (2e). (Contact your local Pearson rep or DSS for help with the codes.)

Interactive Statistics was designed to present direct instruction in an interactive manner. Students “read a little, watch a little, do a little” as they make their way through the online Interactive Reading Assignments. Students must complete MyLab exercises tied to your grade book to demonstrate understanding before moving on to the next topic. Every example comes with complete video solutions – most including four different videos for by hand solutions and technology solutions (StatCrunch, TI-84, and Microsoft Excel).

These materials have been used successfully in both traditional in-person courses as well as online courses, and would be an efficient way to jump into remote instruction. You can copy Mike’s course (Course ID: sullivan-pearson05571) or my course (Course ID: woodbury14962), or start with your own by creating a course in Pearson’s MyLab site ( Mike and I will share details on those courses, as well as our resources from our own classes that we can share with you, in an upcoming blog.

For more information, there is a video instructor preface and a video student preface inside the course that can get you up to speed quickly.

You can also check this webinar that Mike and I recorded last spring: Webinar 

For additional information on Pearson’s commitment to students and instructors during these extraordinary times, please visit the following sites:

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