John Beckwith

John Beckwith

John Beckwith, The Black Bomber, was one of the premiere power hitters in the Negro Leagues. In addition to his power, he also hit for a high average.

“Not only can Beckwith hit harder than any Negro ball player, but any man in the world.”

Babe Ruth

Although he played every position, he is known as a third baseman. His career spanned from 1916-1938, and he played with the Chicago American Giants, Baltimore Black Sox, Homestead Grays, New York Black Yankees, and Brooklyn Royal Giants, among other teams. His lifetime batting average in the Negro Leagues was .366, and he often hit above .400. He hit many home runs, falling just short of Oscar Charleston in a couple seasons.

There is a story about Beckwith that sounds like a tall tale, but a newspaper clip confirms that Beckwith once hit a home run with only one hand.

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